Friday 29 January 2010

Semester 2 - Aesop's Fables

Semester Two starts with the outline of the task ahead. This is to look at some Aesop's Fables and choose 1 to create a short animation film of it. This would include the creation and modelling of the characters and objects in the fable whilst also looking into the new techniques of animation. 3D Studio Max will be used again in this semester after some experiance was gained in the first semester.

After being given the task for Semester Two, the first job was to look through a wide range and narrow them down to 3 possible Fables that I may like to expand on. This will allow me to choose one from these three to spend a lot of time and detail on.

Some of the things I will need to think about are:

-What characters are going to be involved in the Fable
-What modelling was going to be needed to be done
-Consider how the characters were going to be animated.

I used the link given to us for the Aesop Fables website, which gave me a list of all the available Fables. (

The Hare and the Tortoise:

This is probably the most known fable, which teaches about how the hasty and rash people will get caught out by the people who take things slow, steady and safely. The Fable discusses how A Hare boasts of its speed and sets a challenge to anyone for a race. Surprisingly a Tortoise accepts the challenge even though it is known as a very slow animal. The Hare flies ahead in the race but gets cocky and takes a nap before the finish line allowing the tortoise to overtake and win the race. The moral of the Fable is "Plodding wins the race".

The Goose With the Golden Eggs:

This Fable is about a farmer who surprisingly finds that his goose has laid a golden egg in the morning. The farmer believes it to be a prank but on further inspection realises that this is egg is real and made from gold, which he then sells. This process happens on many mornings and the farmer gains a lot of money until in a haste to make money quickly he cuts the goose open with the theory of finding gold however does not find anything. The moral of the Fable is "Greed oft o'er reaches itself".

The Hares and the Frogs:

This Fable talks about how a bunch of hares are scared daily by larger and louder animals in their habitat. One day a stampede of horses is coming towards them so they jump to the edge of a lake where a group of frogs scuttles away as they are scared of the hares. The hares find this amusing and goes with the moral of "There is Always Someone Worse Off Than Yourself".