Monday 26 April 2010


I now had my 2 main models made. These were the models that were goign to feature thorughout the animation so were therefore most important. I now needed to put some colour to them because at the moment they just looked plain.

The main tool I used for this process was the ability to "Set and Select ID's" for individual or groups of Polygons. This meant that I was able to select a group of Polygons and then give them all the same material. It is a great way of saving time ratehr than adding it to each Polygon

I started off by working on the Farmer.

The Farmer - For some reason the eyes come up black on this image however you can see them properly in the final render below.

The Farmers Shoes and Legs.

The Farmers Belt - I added a leather material to the belt however it does not appear in this screenshot. It appears properly in the final render below.

The Farmers Belt - I created this affect by getting an image of some "Leather" from the Internet. I then added the leather material to the belt.

Final Render of the Farmer - The leather material of the belt and the Eyes are both now properly viewed.

I then moved onto the Goose.

Side View of Goose

Tail Feathers of Goose

Beak and Eye of Goose

Final Render Of Goose

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